Page 20 - Snails Flip Book E-Catalogue_Fairy Theme
P. 20

Gift Packs

                                   Mini Snails                                                                                                                 PRE-ORDER

                               6-Pack / 7-pack

             SALE!  The Washable Snails polishes are now offered in mini travel sizes (7ml),
                   in 6 loving colours and are still cute & small enough to carry around!

                                                                                 Mini Snails 6-Pack
                                                                                 Tooth Fairy, Pinky Pink, Lily,
                                                                                 Prom Girl, Maui, Lava
                                                                                 SKU: G0607n

                   Waking up every day, the little princesses can’t wait to discover the exciting colour the 7day mini pack
             NEW   will reveal to them! A colour for each day:

                                                                        TOP               Mini Snails 7-Pack
                                                                       SELLING            PromGirl-Tooth fairy-Ladybird-Frost
                                                                                          Queen-Prince Frog-Ariel-Baby Cloud
                                                                                          SKU: G0647

              Monday:    Tuesday:    Wednesday:    Thursday:    Friday:    Saturday:    Sunday:
             Play Day Fun   Let's play piano   Party with    Let the   It's movie night!!  Sleepover,   Picnic with
               day!     and dance   our friends!!  Cheerleader    girls night!   family! The
                        around!               express              Yeah!!!!  best end of the                                                                                                                        Christmas 3-pack
                                              herself!                         week!                                                                          Countdown Calendar                               Prince Frog, Frost Queen, Ladybird
                                                                                                                                                                SKU: X0043                                            SKU: G0619

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